Debt Settlement Online & Debt Consolidation Help & Tips

Must-Have Identity Theft Protection Services

July 1, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Identity theft protection is becoming a household problem. The recent increase of computer hacking and security breaches has unleashed a new market of identity-theft protection services and software. With so many options on the market to choose from, it can be difficult to find the best software for your needs. However, there is one company that stands apart from the rest: IdentityHawk.

An industry leader in the identity fraud detection and prevention industry, IdentityHawk uncovers threats to your identity to help stop fraud before it happens. There are many reasons why we recommend this company over other identity fraud services. For one, the company offers a unique Identity Health Score service. Unlike other companies, this service makes it possible for consumers to measure their risk level of identity theft and pinpoint weak spots. By utilizing leading-edge technology, IdentityHawk is able to provide a clear picture of where your identity is at risk and how it might be used without your knowledge. In addition, it recognizes suspicious activity on the Web and informs you before a crime is committed.

Finally, what impressed us most about the company is its free 30-day trial. The free offer includes comprehensive identity theft protection around the clock, credit monitoring software, three free credit scores, email and text alerts and $1 million identity theft insurance.

Is the information in your credit score accurate?

June 28, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Is the information in your credit score accurate? Chances are the answer to that question is different depending on whom you ask. Some estimate that three percent of credit reports have serious errors, while others estimate that 25 percent do. However, a new study may give consumers a clearer snapshot of the number of credit reports with serious errors. The New York Times reports that according to a recent study paid for by the Consumer Data Industry Association, there are potential errors in 19.2 percent of credit reports examined.

Despite the fact that consumer advocates were cynical of those results, consumers know that every point counts and they are willing to fight for it. The best way to confirm if you have an error (or more) on your credit report is to take a look. Consumers who want to receive their credit reports must do so from each of the big three credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. To speed up the process, we recommend Fast and easy, makes it possible for anyone to look online and get a free credit score. Along with access to all three credit scores, the website provides reports and monitoring and tips on how to safeguard one’s credit and identity.

Saved Money This Year On Heating Bills

April 3, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

Contribution by Hershel Johnson of Amazing Interior Design Ideas

Saving money this year seems to be paying off on the energy bills. I saw a show on my satellite television that gave many tips on how to winterize the home and took notes of things to do. I have a four story home counting the basement and attic, so if there are ever any ideas on saving money for heating, I try to pay attention. This year we put up plastic on most of the window to keep out the drafts and caulked around them inside and out with a clear caulking around the frames and stationary windows.

We also checked all the seals around the doors to make sure they were still intact to cut down on drafts. They had mentioned on the show about how cellar door will leave in a lot of cold air, which I never checked it in the past and found that there was a lot of air coming around the door. There is an inside door that leads to a storm cellar entrance with the double lift doors, so the only thing I could really do was add a plastic cover to the entire inside of the door and seal around the frame. This year heating bills so far have been lower, so I am thankful for informative shows to help save money. Click for more information.

Interested in a Real Estate Short Sale? The Right Agent Can Make All The Difference!

January 7, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

A short sale in real estate has become a popular option for sellers who want to avoid foreclosure and buyers who are looking for a great deal.  In a real estate short sale, a lender accepts a sale price that is actually less than what the homeowner owes.  That way, there is no need to begin a foreclosure process that causes headaches on both sides!

But to make a real estate short sale work for you as a buyer, you need an agent who understands all of the ins and outs of short sales.  Your agent will be the one who negotiates a price, so if you don’t have the best one, you could wind up paying more than you have to.

As the housing market has suffered, many agents claim they are real estate short sale experts – when, in reality, they are not.  The key is to do your homework and find an agent who really knows his stuff.  After all, buying a home is the biggest purchase you will ever make!

Looking for an agent that will look out for your best interest?  Click here to search through thousands of qualified agents in your area.  Or, click here to speak to a real estate short sale expert in your neighborhood.

Ways to get debt free on your own

June 19, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Are you struggling to dig yourself out of debt? Becoming debt free has become a necessity keeping in mind the economic conditions that are always fluctuating. Getting yourself out of debt may be a strenuous process, but it is not impossible. Living a debt free life is more of a dream. Make your dream come true by following these few smart steps.

1. Control the usage of credit cards: Cut short your usage of credit cards. To save yourself from drowning into further debts, it is very important to deny yourself access to your credit cards, only if not for an emergency. Once you have paid off your debts, you will have this tendency of overspending again. So, it is a must that you have to curb the habit of purchasing things with your credit card.
2. Organize your debts: Draft a plan on pen and paper. Make a list of all the debts that you owe with the monthly payments and interest rates applicable to each of the debt. See where you stand before you start paying off your debts.
3. Prioritize your payments: Arrange your debts in a descending order. Attack your debts as soon as you are done with all the calculations. Pay off the debt with the highest amount and with the highest rate of interest. This will help you to become debt free faster.
4. Negotiate with your creditors: Go and negotiate with your creditors and ask for a settlement offer. It often happens that your creditors agree to settle on an amount which is 75% less than what you actually owed. Call or write to your creditors and ask them if they would agree in a debt settlement.
5. Save money for repayment: Save as much as you can so that you can accumulate your savings amount to repay your debts. It may mean a few months of eating at home than in the restaurant. Divert these extra funds towards paying off your debts as much a possible.
6. Get help: If your debts are overwhelmingly large in number, then get help from some professional. You can either seek help from a credit counseling agency. A credit counselor gives you advice on managing your debts by devising an effective budget for you.

Now you know that it is not much tough to get debt free on your own. Just take the required steps and work your way out of debt and towards a brighter future.

Why You Should Avoid Debt Settlement

June 3, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

When your world is collapsing around you because of debt problems, clutching at straws is all you can do to save yourself. However, the Debt Settlement straw is something you should try and avoid. On the surface, the notion of getting your debt slashed in half sounds great. But the company doing it on your behalf is not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. There are costs that you should be aware of.

Most of the companies charge a percentage based fee. This can be a based on the amount that has been slashed or on the whole debt itself. More often than not it is decide by the level of confidence the firm has in getting you the discount. For example, if they feel that they can’t get you a good discount then they are more likely to charge you based on the whole debt. When you consider that the norm is to charge 25 percent (regardless of which method is employed), the amount suddenly becomes sizeable.

What most people don’t know is that creditors will often agree to enter into settlement talks on a one-on-one basis with the debtor. When it comes to bad debts, creditors are willing to simply get what they can and move on. It is not an advertised fact so most people don’t know it. As a result they fall prey to these firms. If you are not confident of engaging in settlement negotiations by yourself, employ the services of a lawyer. This cost will almost always be less than getting a firm and it is safer as well.

Using an IVA to Help Credit Issues

June 3, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

An Individual Voluntary Arrangement or IVA is method of paying back and eliminating debts. In a nutshell, all debts owed by a person are consolidated into one amount and thereafter, a portion of this amount is paid off by the debtor over a period of time. The remaining amount is then written off by the creditors, which is what makes this method fairly attractive to those with credit issues.

However, for an IVA to go through, several criteria have to be satisfied. At least three quarters of all creditors have to agree on the amount that you have to pay. For example, if you owe twelve people $25,000 in total, you can’t expect to pay $4,000 and get away scot free. If nine of them decide that you have to pay $15,000, then that is the amount you will have to pay. However the number or percentage of the people who have to agree will change depending on the number of creditors you have.

An IVA also has to be managed by a licensed Insolvency Practitioner. This person will be the one negotiating on your behalf with your creditors. In order for the Insolvency Practitioner to make a compelling case, you will have to provide them with bank balances, bill and pay slips so that they can analyze your income and expenditure.
Once a successful proposal goes through, you can expect to settle your debt in installments over a period of 60 months. This long period along with a sizeable portion of debt being wiped out, is what makes this method attractive as a debt settlement option.

Simple Mistakes That Affecty Credit Score

June 3, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

Keeping a healthy credit score is something that you will have to do consciously. Simple mistakes, such as the following, will often lead to a drop in the score. This is unfortunate, because these mistakes are completely avoidable.

Credit score

1. Don’t miss a payment. The payment history takes up 35 percent of the credit score. Missing a payment can make big negative impact. In the past, lenders reported late payments only after 30 days. But with the unfortunate impact of the credit crunch, lenders have now resorted to reporting accounts that are even a couple of days late in paying.

2. Don’t max out. Going on a shopping spree is not the best of ideas if you end up maxing out your credit card. About 30 percent of your credit score depends on the balance you maintain between the percentage of debt and the available credit. Maintaining a healthy 30 percent is advisable.

3. Don’t get more cards. Too many credit cards also show up badly on your credit score. Ideally your credit mix should consist of only two credit cards, a car loan, a mortgage and some student loans. Even if you do want to get a few new cards, don’t get them all at once. Keep a good time span between each request and you will be alright.

4. Don’t close the old accounts. Getting rid of old credit card accounts is actually detrimental. This will wipe out part of your credit history and also affect your available credit.

Prepaid Credit Cards

June 3, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

The first thing to understand here is that a prepaid credit card is not the same as a debit card. Debit cards require you to have a bank account and expenses on those cards are paid off from the money that is in the account.

Prepaid credit cards are empty until they are “loaded” with money. It is a relatively simple process, where an individual requests for the card and specifies the amount that they are going to put into it. From this point on the card functions as any other Debit card would, in the sense that you will not be able to purchase more than the amount that is left on your card.

Credit Cards

But why would you want to get one of these cards?
1. They are easy to get. Several companies offer them in the U.S. and Canada. A few even offer them to international customers.
2. You have a limit to your spending
3. You can avoid carrying cash
4. You can never get into debt as there is no interest
5. No monthly payments
6. Useful in situations where you don’t want to have a credit card but are forced to use one.(e.g. online purchases where Debit Cards are not accepted)
7. Safe to give out to kids due to a limit being imposed
8. They have all the features that a normal credit card does without the negatives.

Although they are beneficial, there is a cost for using them. After all, the company that offers you this method of possessing a credit card has to make money. There are maintenance and loading fees as well as fees for withdrawing from an ATM. As long as you are mindful of these costs, using a Prepaid Credit Card should be a pleasant experience.