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Taking Care of Your Child’s Teeth with Student Dental Insurance

September 23, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

When it comes to student dental insurance, it’s really important to make sure that you and your children are doing your part to keep the children’s teeth clean.  Here are some tips that you can use for making sure that the child has good oral hygiene.

  • It’s really important for children who are 6 months old up to 16 to drink some water that’s fluoridated.  Bottled water, spring water, or well water doesn’t have fluoride in it.  Most of the communities have tap water that is fluoridated. However, if it’s not available the child’s dentist will be able to recommend a dietary supplement for the child to use.
  • Dental sealants can be a really good way to help with preventing childhood tooth decay. This procedure is really quick, it doesn’t hurt, it’s cheaper than a filling cost, and it’s 100% effective for stopping decay.
  • Children who play in sports will need the right mouth protection. This is going to help with preventing mouth injuries. It also can help with preventing teeth from being knocked out as well as possible concussions. Talk to the dentist about getting custom mouth guards.
  • If the child has a tooth that is permanent knocked out, they may be able to have it put back in if they get to the dentist quick enough. They simply have to gently rinse their tooth, put it in warm milk or salt water, give the dentist a call, and take the person to the dentist with the tooth.


Do you have a corporate shield to protect you and your business?

September 18, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Small business owners have very little time to devote to formalities such as maintaining financial records. Therefore, many elect to run their business as a sole proprietorship or as a general partnership. These forms of businesses require less attention to formalities and allow the owner to concentrate more on the business side. However, these forms of running a business do not provide the owner with the protection that is needed to run a business. The owners will be personally liable for the debt and expenses of the business.

If you are seeking to limit your personal liability for debt and expenses of the business, look into a LLC or a corporation. But keep in mind that you have to comply with all formalities that are required by law which will take additional time and effort on your part. You need to draw a clear line between your personal assets and business assets. Otherwise, you will be subject to “piercing the corporate veil” or commonly known as alter ego liability. For small businesses and closely held businesses this is more important in case of a liability action. Third parties could go after alter ego liability subjecting your personal property.