Debt Settlement Online & Debt Consolidation Help & Tips

Where To Find A Great Discount Dental Plan

October 15, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

When you’re looking for a discount dental plan, the chances of finding a company that will allow you to have a nice discount are highly unlikely to be found on the commercials or mainstream places such as the internet, instead, you’re going to have to dig a little deeper and find companies that haven’t yet been mentioned. You see, the problem with these large corporations insurance companies are, they’re definitely not hurting for your business, so they can charge you whatever pricing they want and get away with it.

–          If you’re retired or a veteran, there’s obviously more benefits out there for you because a lot of insurance companies have programs out there for veterans who have served their country.

–          Stay away from the large corporations and the largest brand name insurance companies as they’ll always usually charge more and their coverage usually isn’t up to par most of the time.

–          A lot of the time you can simply ask around, ask a friend, ask a relative or do a simple search online to find some of the most affordable, most reliable and best benefit insurance company out there.

So what is the best dental insurance to get and what is the best plan? I wouldn’t say for sure that there is an absolute best per say but what I can tell you, is that if you’re looking for insurance for dental, you should check out

Helping parents and kids

October 3, 2012 by · Leave a Comment 

Many baby boomers are retiring and some are faced with financial insecurity due to many reasons.  They may are faced with ill health and healthcare cost is putting a strain on their retirement income or unable to bear healthcare cost.  If you have retired parents and children and faced with a similar situation, here are few ways to get some help.

Healthcare costs are rising.  One estimate indicates that nursing home care cost could reach more than $87,000 a year.  Most retirees who rely only on Social Security couldn’t afford nursing care due to cost.  In-home care could cost even more.  If your parents are still healthy, look into long-term care insurance.  Most long-term care insurance plans pay for nursing home, home care or assisted-living facility care.

If your parents need help to pay for long-term care insurance, they live with you more than half the year and you pay for their care while you work, you may be eligible to participate in a flexible spending account (FSA) at work.  You can contribute up to $5,000 pre-tax a year for dependent care.  You can also set up a FSA account to pay for childcare if you have kids under the age of 13 and use daycare.